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2012 LWS TR&T Sun Climate Theme:

Team Members:
- Alexander Ruzmaikin, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Raymond Shaw, Michigan Technological University
- Xun Zhu, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
- Martin Mlynczak, NASA Langley Research Center
- Eli Mlawer, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc.

The LWS Sun-Climate strategic objective is to “deliver the understanding of how and to what degree variations in the solar radiative and particulate output contribute to changes in global and regional climate over a wide range of time scales.” The new Sun-Climate Theme is established to address this objective. The maximum duration of these awards is 3 years. This theme represents a new opportunity to foster cross-disciplinary investigations of connections between solar forcing and climate. Particular emphasis is placed on coupling of the upper and lower atmosphere and the processes responsible for transmitting solar variations to the Earth’s surface where they can affect regional climate. Only investigations of sun-climate issues will be considered compliant with this theme; climate investigations that are not directly relevant to solar forcing are not being solicited. Atmospheric responses on time scales of seasons to millennia are of primary interest.

Rather than aiming science contributions at a focused science team, proposers will submit individual investigations that must explicitly describe how the proposed work will lead to progress in achieving the prioritized goal quoted above. Contributions from a solar and upper atmosphere perspective will likely be on equal footing with those from a lower atmosphere climate dynamics and chemistry perspective. Exchange among diverse research foci within the Sun-Climate Theme is expected to grow through regular meetings (initially once a year), and individual collaborations are strongly encouraged.

Thematic Description: Proposals submitted to the new Sun-Climate Theme will target processes by which solar influence particulate forcing can impact the Earth’s climate. Solar activity variations clearly influence the upper atmosphere, but signals diminish toward the surface. Nevertheless, in some locations climate-related parameters such as the historical surface temperature or moisture records exhibit variations that appear to be related to the solar cycle. Two key issues must be addressed to make progress in quantifying the solar contribution to climate variability and change: (1) Observed decadal to centennial-scale climate signals throughout the atmosphere and at the surface must be categorized as either systematically related to solar activity changes or as spurious because of internal climate system variations on similar time scales. (2) The emphasis of solar impact studies in climate research must be broadened beyond mean radiative forcing to include both direct and indirect atmospheric impacts of spectral irradiance and particle precipitation variations over the full range of spatial and temporal scales.

The intent of this Sun-Climate Theme is to initiate cross-disciplinary research that will develop a more solid mechanistic understanding of pathways by which solar variability affects the various levels of the atmosphere, and how these effects are communicated toward the troposphere and surface where they modulate global and regional climate. It also targets the pathways by which ongoing climate change influences the atmospheric response to solar forcing, both directly and via upward coupling. Investigations that identify these processes and analyze variations over a wide range of time scales are necessary to reconcile observations and understanding of the natural modulation of climate by the Sun, and to delineate the Sun’s role in regional climate variability and current climate change. This information is crucial for testing climate models that are used for regional climate change prediction. Thus, this program component solicits investigations that seek to define and quantify the solar-induced changes in a “whole atmosphere” approach, emphasizing downward and upward coupling between the upper and lower atmosphere.

Objectives and Metrics: The overall objective is to predict the climate response to solar variability (in many different forms) on regional as well as global scales. Metrics will be gauged for a number of tasks: (1) Identifying and quantifying the relevant pathways by which solar forcing causes variability in climate parameters such as atmospheric temperature, circulation, and wave activity over a broad range of time scales; (2) Isolating the regional and global climate response to variations in these pathways with data that have enough sample (record length); (3) Assessing the sensitivity of these pathways to long-term change in the troposphere and atmospheric composition; (4) Incorporating solar forcing effects into coupled chemistry climate models (CCMs) to produce verifiable simulations of these effects on atmospheric processes; (5) Testing and improving the predictive capabilities of the CCMs and Earth System Models with regard to solar-induced forcing. Also of interest is identifying the minimum specifications of vertical extent, resolution and process complexity that a lower atmosphere model would need in order to adequately simulate solar effects on surface climate and variability.
It is expected that numerical modeling, theory, data analysis and assimilation investigations will contribute to the Sun-Climate Theme, with studies addressing seasonal to millennial time scales.

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