National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Living With A Star

Targeted Research and Technology

Support for the Inner Magnetosphere Coupling Workshop 2012

ROSES ID: NNH10ZDA001N      Selection Year: 2011      

Program Element: Cross-Discipline Infrastructure Building Programs

Principal Investigator: Maria Spasojevic

Affiliation(s): Institute for Magnetospheric Physics LLC

Project Member(s):
Shprits, Yuri Y Co-I UCLA


We are requesting $7.9K to convene the Inner Magnetosphere Coupling (IMC) workshop to be held at the University of California, Los Angeles on March 19-23, 2012. Support from the NASA LWS program is being requested to cover salary and travel costs for an administrative assistant, who will be responsible for managing and organizing logistics in advance as well as during the workshop. Support from NASA LWS will translate into significantly reduced registration fees for participants. In addition, this workshop will leverage support from UCLA, which will be providing conference facilities at no cost. It is expected that the workshop will attract about 100 participants.

The second Inner Magnetosphere Coupling (IMC) workshop is being organized to bring together researchers studying the various coupled plasma populations of the inner magnetosphere and ionosphere. The IMC Workshop is both timely and important to NASA science and especially its LWS program. The workshop topics are directly relevant to NASA s Research Objective 3B: "Understanding the Sun and its effect on Earth and the solar system , and are central to NASA's interests in understanding the dynamic response of the near-space environment to solar activity. These workshop topics are also central to the NASA Living with a Star Program. In particular, the workshop will advance our understanding of Priority 1 of the LWS general objective from the SAT report WG1-5 and 6, WG2-4 ("understanding the acceleration, global distribution, and variability of energetic electrons and ions in the inner magnetosphere").

The workshop topics are cross disciplinary in nature, bringing together researchers who work on the physics of the solar wind, inner magnetosphere, ionosphere, waves, and plasma populations ranging from very cold to extremely energetic.
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