// LWS-TRT Community Input

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Living With A Star

Community Input for LWS Science

2018 Community Input for FSTs Commenting is: closed

Submission DateTopic TitleLWS-TRT SSAsCommentsView
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July 6, 2018nderstanding spectral breaks in solar energetic eventsSSA-0, SSA-3
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July 6, 2018Input to SSA-3SSA-3
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July 6, 2018Input to SSA-4SSA-4
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July 6, 2018Input to SSA-4SSA-4
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July 6, 2018Input to SSA-5SSA-5
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July 6, 2018Modeling and validation of ionospheric irregularities and scintillationsSSA-5
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July 6, 2018Understanding Ionospheric Conductivity in Three DimensionsSSA-2, SSA-4, SSA-5
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July 5, 2018Hemispherical Asymmetries in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling Processes: Fundamental Causes and Myriad ManifestationsSSA-2, SSA-4
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July 5, 2018Temporal and Spatial Variations of Solar Energetic ParticlesSSA-0, SSA-3, SSA-4, SSA-6
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July 5, 2018Whole Atmosphere Coupling through tides and planetary wavesSSA-2, SSA-4
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July 5, 2018Cold Plasma Effects in GeospaceSSA-0, SSA-2, SSA-4, SSA-6
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July 5, 2018Storm-time neutral composition changes and effects in the ionosphere-thermosphere-magnetosphere systemSSA-4
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July 5, 2018Sun-Climate: Variability and Predictability of Solar-Driven Earth System CouplingSSA-0
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July 5, 2018Impacts of Large Scale TIDs on the Coupled Ionosphere-Thermosphere SystemSSA-4, SSA-5
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July 5, 2018Impact of medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbance processes on I-T variabilitySSA-4, SSA-5
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July 5, 2018Solar wind suprathermal ions: production, variation and role in SEP accelerationSSA-0, SSA-1, SSA-3, SSA-6
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July 5, 2018Evolution of CME-driven shocks in the heliosphere (and their magnetic connectivity)SSA-3Comments 1
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110July 5, 2018Using MHD simulations to study the time-intensity of SEP events are still not common. This is probably because it is not easy to produce a shock driven by a "CME" in the heliosphere using current MHD models. In my opinion, most of the MHD simulations of CME-driven shock events did not present and discuss the "shock" they simulated in details enough to be claimed as a shock. On the other hand, the LWS-TR&T program should encourage this type of study.
July 5, 2018Improving Prediction of Solar-Terrestrial Coupling Using Whole Atmosphere Data Assimilation and ModelingSSA-0, SSA-2, SSA-4
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July 3, 2018Atmospheric Evolution and Loss to Space in the Presence of a StarSSA-0
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July 3, 2018Continuous Monitoring of Space RadiationSSA-0, SSA-3, SSA-6
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July 2, 2018Enhancing the capability for modeling realistic solar eruptive eventsSSA-0
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July 2, 2018Direct and Indirect Influence to the Solar Wind to the Radiation Belts Dynamics.SSA-0, SSA-1, SSA-6Comments 1
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111July 5, 2018Yes! The multiple reactions of the magnetosphere and its subsystems to the time-varying solar wind have multiple effects on the evolution (growth and loss) of the electron radiation belt. Sorting all of this out will require a diverse team under a coordinated program of research. Recently, great steps have been made in understanding the reaction of the radiation belt to magnetospheric processes; this progress can be taken further by gaining an understanding of how the solar wind controls those key magnetospheric processes. (Key processes: substorm injection amplitudes, ULF properties and amplitudes, drainage-plume evolution, plasma-sheet anisotropies, distortions of the dipolar field, ….)
July 2, 2018Ionospheric Conductivity--Its Role and Significance in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere CouplingSSA-1, SSA-4, SSA-5
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July 2, 2018Storm-time thermospheric composition variationSSA-2, SSA-4
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July 2, 2018Long term trend in thermosphere temperature and densitySSA-2
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July 2, 2018Improvements in Thermospheric Understanding and Modeling to Facilitate Satellite Orbit PredictionSSA-1, SSA-2
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July 2, 2018Storm-time thermospheric nitric oxide variations SSA-2
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July 2, 2018Understanding the coupled ITM (ionosphere-thermosphere-mesosphere) systemSSA-1, SSA-2, SSA-6
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July 2, 2018The Lack of Understanding of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere CouplingSSA-1, SSA-2, SSA-4, SSA-5, SSA-6
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July 2, 2018Effect of Solar Wind/Heliosphere Conditions on the Galactic Cosmic Ray FluxSSA-6
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July 2, 2018Interhemispheric Analysis of High-Latitude Sporadic-F SSA-1, SSA-4, SSA-5
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July 1, 2018Understanding and Predicting the Coupled Inner MagnetosphereSSA-1, SSA-6Comments 1
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107July 5, 2018While the word "ionosphere" does not appear in the description, a big part of the cross-energy coupling is the connectin through the ionosphere. The ~keV range particles dominate the plasma pressure and therefore the currents and magnetic distortion in the inner magnetosphere. Depending on the type and timing of the activity, the pressure can be highly asymmetric in local time, even highly structured with many local peaks, each being a partial ring current with current loop closure through FACs and the ionosphere. The changes in the electric potential structure then influence both the eV and keV plasma populations, altering their drift paths, regions of overlap, and ability to excite plasma waves that will influence the radiation belts. This connection through the ionosphere and alteration of the electric potential leads to significant changes in ionospheric density structure and flow. So, I think that it is also applicable to SSA-4. This, in turn, could influence the thermosphere, which then has applicability to SSA-2. I would not add the ionospheric or thermospheric consequences to this FST description, because then it wouldn't be focused; I just wanted to point out a major "cross-energy coupling" process not mentioned in the submitted FST description and the connection to two other SSAs.
June 29, 2018Origin, propagation and impact of traveling ionospheric disturbances SSA-1, SSA-4
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June 29, 2018Plasmasphere Erosion and Refilling, and Ionospheric InteractionsSSA-4, SSA-5Comments 1
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106July 5, 2018This should also be linked with SSA-1 because the largest plasmaspheric depletion events occur during strong geomagnetic activity. Perhaps the submitter was being cautious and not trying to oversell the applicability of this FST option, but the plasmasphere dominates the mass density in the inner magnetosphere and therefore the wave environment, making it a controlling factor of all other plasma populations in the region. So, it is also relevant to SSA-6. I would also add a missing component to our understanding of the plasmasphere -- energetics. Yes, it is "cold plasma" but its temperature can vary from a few thousand K to several tens of thousands K (~0.5 eV to ~5 eV). There are a number of heat sources for the plasmasphere which vary with R, MLT, and activity, creating this order of magnitude difference in temperature, and its downward heat flux can have significant influence on the ionosphere.
June 29, 2018Systems Science approach to developing predictive models and understandingSSA-0, SSA-1, SSA-2, SSA-3, SSA-4, SSA-5, SSA-6Comments 1
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103July 2, 2018Yes, this is needed. In its research into the solar-wind/magnetosphere interaction, the community is stuck. Little progress has been made over the past decade or two. On other LWS issues (magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, the plasma-wave-mediated interactions between particle populations, ect.) systems-science approaches may also yield powerful insights. Earth systems science is a growing research effort: heliophysics systems science should join Earth systems science.
June 29, 2018Magnetospheric and ionospheric processes responsible for rapid geomagnetic changesSSA-0, SSA-1Comments 1
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108July 5, 2018The submitters were modest in the full scope of this work, because in order to predict GICs you will, most likely, also predict major ionospheric and thermospheric disturbances, as well as large injections to the inner magnetosphere. This gives this proposed FST option applicability to SSA-2, SSA-4, and SSA-6. I am not advocating to expand the scope the proposed FST, I am just reinforcing that progress on this topic will most likely lead to progress towards these other three SSAs.
June 29, 2018Data-driven approach to ionospheric predictionSSA-1, SSA-4, SSA-5
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June 29, 2018Understanding and predicting radiation belt variabilitySSA-1, SSA-6
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June 28, 2018SDO/HMI Vector Field ArtifactsSSA-0, SSA-1, SSA-2, SSA-3, SSA-4, SSA-5, SSA-6Comments 1
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101June 29, 2018To fulfill HMI's real potential, this needs to be done and done well, and then the results and/or algorithm(s) be made available to the community -- for example as a new corrected data series for easy access. As such I would support that this team effort, if successful, be followed by a commitment to Stanford for the sole purpose of implementing whatever solution(s) are found (unless the fix is a fairly simple computation-light algorithm that researchers can apply on their laptops). The task at hand is not an easy one and will take a team unafraid to really get "in the weeds" of artifacts and details, but by ignoring it or glossing over it, results obtained now are maybe not wrong, but are severely impacted -- even if authors do not realize it. Reviewers are saying "cannot do this / that because of variations!", researchers are saying, "I want to do [this / that] but cannot because of variations!", or worse, "I will do this/that despite the variations, and ignore or just average / filter in a simple manner". The HMI data are so good, this community member fully supports getting a team together to really solve this issue.
June 20, 2018Study of Heliophysics and its related fieldsSSA-0, SSA-1, SSA-3, SSA-6Comments 2
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105July 3, 2018Maintaining the safety and health of the crew on-board the International Space Station or who would be located in regions of space radiation exposure, would be vital. Space Radiation Biology would be the study under this research topic described here in the "Study of Heliophysics and its related fields"! Ideally this topic would be an integrated research area of Space Radiation, Crew Safety and Human Health Research studies.
100June 29, 2018I'm not sure this is a useful topic presentation or helpful discussion.
June 16, 2018Artificial Intelligence Approach to Better Space Weather PredictionSSA-0, SSA-1, SSA-2, SSA-3, SSA-4, SSA-5, SSA-6Comments 1
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102June 29, 2018This topic could be really useful, or a playpen for ML and big data without useful outcomes. Specific forecasting targets or topics and specific benchmarks against which to measure what it means to have a "predictive capability", will be required in order to realize value-added. There have been many wheels reinvented already under the guise of "space weather prediction", and many many promises made without good understanding of what is really required to have "predictive capability". So, this community member would urge a more focused topic and/or very specific guidelines of required components for proposals, along the lines of what I have mentioned here.
June 10, 2018Understanding the Impact of Thermospheric Structure and Dynamics on Orbital DragSSA-2
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June 10, 2018Collisionally produced dust interaction with the solar wind: Pick up and terrestrial effectsSSA-0, SSA-1
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June 4, 2018Control of Auroral Zone Disturbances and Their EvolutionSSA-1, SSA-4, SSA-5
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May 9, 2018Data Assimilation for the Thermosphere/IonosphereSSA-1, SSA-2, SSA-4Comments 1
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104July 2, 2018The data assimilation is a very powerful technique. I believe that such topic is also applicable for the radiation belts and for the radiation belts/ionosphere coupling.