National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Living With a Star Program Analysis Group (LPAG)

Starting in 2017, the Living With a Star Program Analysis Group (LPAG) replaces the LWS Steering Committee. A detailed description of the LPAG can be found in the Terms of Reference and in this Overview.

Community Input on draft Focused Science Topics (FSTs)

Suggestions on LWS TR&T Strategic Science Areas (SSAs)

LPAG Executive Committee (EC) Reports

Current LPAG Executive Committee (EC)


      • Angelos Vourlidas
      • Shasha Zou
        Univ. Michigan


  • Ian Cohen
  • Chuanfei Dong
    Boston University
  • Thomas Immel 
    UC Berkeley
  • Meng Jin
    Lockheed Martin solar And Astrophysics Laboratory
  • Stephen Kaeppler
    Clemson University
  • Dong Lin
    University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  • Robert McCoy
    Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • Ryan McGranaghan
    NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech
  • Erika Palmerio
    Predictive Science Inc.
  • Alexei Pevtsov
    National Solar Observatory
  • Olga Verkhoglyadova
  • Yihua (Eva) Zheng



Liaison Members

LWS Program Ex Officio