National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Announcement – 2024-05-20

Announcement – 2024-05-20

The LWS Science element in 2024 ROSES has been released. emphasizes the science necessary to understand those aspects of the coupled Sun-Earth system that affect life and society. The overarching goal of the LWS Program is to provide advances in scientific understanding of this system that can lead to predictive capability of the space environment conditions at Earth, other planetary systems, and in the interplanetary medium. Every year the LWS Science program element solicits Focused Science Topics (FSTs) that address some part of this goal. This year’s FSTs are:

  • FST 1: Connecting Auroral Phenomena with Magnetospheric Phenomena;
  • FST 2: Understanding Solar Energetic Particle Transport through the Inner Heliosphere;
  • FST 3: Atmospheric Loss and Habitability in the Presence of a Star.

Step-1 Proposals are required by August 13, 2024.

Step-2 Proposals are due November 6, 2024.

Announcement – 2023-06-14

Announcement – 2023-06-14

2023 Community Input for LWS Focused Science Topics

The LWS Program Analysis Group (LPAG) Executive Committee invites the Heliophysics community to provide input to the 2023 Focused Science Topics (FST) development process. The deadline for entering new input and comments is July 21, 2023 extended till end of day on July 31, 2023. Please:

Announcement – 2023-04-27

Announcement – 2023-04-27

The LWS Science element in 2023 ROSES has been released. The Living With a Star (LWS) Program emphasizes the science necessary to understand those aspects of the coupled Sun-Earth system that affect life and society. The overarching goal of the LWS Program is to provide advances in scientific understanding of this system that can lead to predictive capability of the space environment conditions at Earth, other planetary systems, and in the interplanetary medium. Every year the LWS Science program element solicits Focused Science Topics (FSTs) that address some part of this goal. To be responsive to this program element this year, proposed investigations must have objectives suitable for one of the three Focused Science Topics (FSTs) listed below:

  • FST 1: Understanding Ionospheric Conductivity and its Variability;
  • FST 2: Synergistic View of the Global Magnetosphere;
  • FST 3: Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Corona and Inner Heliosphere.

Step-1 proposals are due August 15, 2023).

Step-2 proposals are due November 7, 2023.

Announcement – 2022-12-01

Announcement – 2022-12-01

NASA Living with a Star Town Hall at the AGU

Monday, 12 December 2022
18:30 - 19:30 CST
McCormick Place - S102ab (South, Level 1)

The NASA Living With a Star (LWS) Town Hall is an opportunity for the community to hear updates on the program status and to participate in an open discussion of the LWS program with representatives from the Heliophysics Division at NASA Headquarters. The event will include a report from program staff on the status of LWS missions, the annual ROSES LWS Science program element, and announcement of new Focused Science Topics to be solicited in ROSES-2023. The Co-Chairs of the LWS Program Analysis Group (LPAG) Executive Committee will provide a summary of LPAG activities over the past year. There will be ample opportunity for questions and open discussion with LWS program staff.

Announcement – 2022-10-17

Announcement – 2022-10-17

The Step-2 proposal due date for this year’s B.5 Living with a Star Science has been delayed till November 17, 2022 due to the impact of Hurricane Ian. The Focused Science Topics solicited for proposals this year are:

  1. Beyond F10.7: Quantifying Solar EUV Flux and its Impact on the Ionosphere – Thermosphere – Mesosphere System (described in Section 2); and
  2. Coupling of the Solar Wind Plasma and Energy to the Geospace System (described in Section 3).

Questions concerning B.5 LWS Science may be directed to John McCormack at and Simon Plunkett at

Announcement – 2022-01-12

Announcement – 2022-01-12

NASA Living With a Star (LWS) Annual Town Hall Meeting Will Be Held Wednesday, January 19, 2022, from 2 pm to 4 pm EST

The Town Hall meeting (annual briefing) for the NASA Heliophysics Living With a Star (LWS) program that would normally be held during the Fall AGU meeting will take place as a Webex session on January 19, 2022 from 2 pm to 4 pm EST. You are invited to attend and hear brief summaries on the program status and to participate in an open discussion of the LWS program.

The agenda for the Town Hall is:

  1. LWS Program Overview
  2. LWS Science – Update and Focused Science Topics for ROSES-2022
  3. Space Weather Update
  4. LPAG Report on 2021 Activities
  5. LWS Architecture Study
  6. Mission Updates
  7. Wrap-up/Questions

The Webex information is:

Join by meeting number:
Meeting number (access code): 2761 381 9789
Meeting password: 32pP36nhYi$

Join by phone:
+1-929-251-9612 USA Toll 2
+1-415-527-5035 US Toll

Join from a video system or application:
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Announcement – 2021-06-23

Announcement – 2021-06-23

A new LWS Strategic Capability (LWSSC) call for ROSES proposal has been released. The program solicits proposals for the development of models for the coupled Sun-Earth and Sun-Solar System. Such models can act as tools for science investigations, as prototypes and test beds for prediction and specification capabilities, as frameworks for linking disparate data sets at vantage points throughout the Sun-Solar System, and as strategic planning aids for enabling exploration of outer space and testing new mission concepts.

This year the LWS program is soliciting two Strategic Capabilities topics:

  • A global model of the magnetosphere
  • A model of CME evolution and impact on the inner heliosphere

ROSES-2021 Amendment 24 releases final text and due date for program element B.6 Living With a Star Science Strategic Capabilities (LWSSC). Neither Notices of Intent nor Step-1 proposals are requested for this program element. Proposals are due October 13, 2021.

Announcement – 2021-02-26

Announcement – 2021-02-26

The LWS Science (formerly TR&T) element in 2021 ROSES has been released. The ultimate goal of the LWS Program is to provide a scientific understanding of the system that leads to predictive capability of the space environment conditions at Earth, other planetary systems, and in the interplanetary medium. Every year the LWS Program solicits Focused Science Topics (FSTs) that address some part of this goal.

To be responsive, proposed investigations must have objectives suitable for one of the four following Focused Science Topics (FSTs) for proposals this year:

  1. Impact of Terrestrial Weather on the Ionosphere - Thermosphere;
  2. Pathways of Cold Plasma through the Magnetosphere;
  3. Understanding the Large-Scale Evolution of the Solar Wind throughout the Heliosphere through the Solar Cycle; and
  4. Towards a Quantitative Description of the Magnetic Origins of the Corona and Inner Heliosphere.

Step-1 proposals are due September 13, 2021 (revised 8/24/2021).

Step-2 proposals are due November 18, 2021.

Announcement – 2021-02-22

Announcement – 2021-02-22

A new LWS Tools and Methods (LWSTM) call for ROSES proposal has been released. The call solicits tools, techniques and/or methods that enable critically needed science advances in the area of heliophysics research covered by LWS objectives, see LWSTM seeks innovative adaptations and applications of emerging AI techniques, concepts, methodologies, etc. to demonstrate their feasibility and potential to increase science return, as well as to inform missions in heliophysics research disciplines of promising techniques and capabilities. The LWSTM program element is intended to allow heliophysics research to be an early, innovative, and less risk-averse adopter of AI tools and techniques, especially in areas with potential for high payoff, if successful.

Proposed tools and/or methods must be able to proceed expeditiously leading to completion in one and half years.

LWSTM has been added to ROSES-2021 as program element B.18. Step-1 Proposals are due July 1, 2021 and Step-2 proposals are due August 31, 2021.

Announcement – 2020-12-01

Program Announcement – 2020-12-01

LWS Town Hall (virtual) at the 2020 Fall AGU
Date and Time: Thursday, 10 December 2020: 16:00 - 17:00 PST (19:00 – 20:00 EST)

The link to the town hall will be accessible from the Fall Meeting website or from the Town Hall in the online program. The link will become available and active 30 minutes prior to the live session. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the town hall session.

Announcement - 2020-10-21

Announcement - 2020-10-21

LWS Town Hall (virtual) at the 2020 Fall AGU
Date and Time: Thursday, 10 December 2020: 16:00 - 17:00 (PST)

Details to be announced.

Announcement – 2020-05-29

Announcement – 2020-05-29

LWS Program Analysis Group (LPAG) Virtual Town Hall on Community Input on Focused Science Topics (FST)

The LPAG Executive Committee (EC) invites the Heliophysics community to participate in a virtual town hall to be held at 1-2:30 PM EDT on June 18, 2020. During the town hall on webex (see below), the LPAG EC will describe the community input process (see Program Announcement on 5/14/2020 below) and conduct a Q&A session. Please use the link below to join the LPAG virtual town hall on June 18, 2020 (1-2:30 ET, 12 – 1:30 CT, 10-11:30 PT):

Webex Info:
» Meeting Link
Meeting number (access code): 199 719 0645
Meeting password: nressHD2020!!

Join by phone:
+1-929-251-9612 USA Toll 2
+1-415-527-5035 US Toll

» Global Call in numbers

» Virtual town hall presentation

Announcement – 2020-05-14

Announcement – 2020-05-14

2020 Community Input for LWS Focused Science Topics

The LWS Program Analysis Group (LPAG) invites the Heliophysics community to provide input to the 2020 Focused Science Topics (FST) development process. The deadline for entering new input and comments is July 03, 2020. Please:

Announcement - 2019-10-29

Announcement - 2019-10-29

NASA LWS TR&T Town Hall Meeting at the AGU fall meeting 2019

Date: Sunday, 8 December 2019, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Location: Parc 55 Market Room on the 3rd floor, 55 Cyril Magnin Street, San Francisco, California, 94102
You are invited to attend and hear brief summaries on the program status and to participate in an open discussion of the LWS program.

Announcement - 2019-10-01

Announcement - 2019-10-01

The NASA Living with a Star Program Analysis Group Executive Committee (LPAG EC) invites the Heliophysics Community (see DCL) to provide suggestions and comments on a new LWS TR&T Strategic Science Area (SSA-IX ). The draft of the new SSA description and form for providing new suggestions and follow-on comments are now posted on the LPAG page. The feedback site will be open from the date of this announcement until November 15, 2019. Upon incorporating community input received, the final SSA-IX description will be included in the 2019 final LPAG report.

Announcement - 2019-05-31

Announcement - 2019-05-31

The NASA Living with a Star Program Analysis Group Executive Committee (LPAG EC) invites the Heliophysics and Space Weather Research Community (see DCL) to provide suggestions and comments on the draft revisions of LWS TR&T Strategic Science Areas. All of the new draft SSAs, existing SSAs, and forms for providing new suggestions and follow-on comments are now posted on the LPAG page. The feedback site will be open for six weeks, until July 14, 2019. During this time, LPAG Executive Committee members will be holding a series of town halls on these draft SSAs at the upcoming AAS/SPD, GEM, and CEDAR meetings (note, an LPAG town hall will also be held at the SHINE meeting in August).

Announcement - 2018-11-29

NASA LWS TR&T Town Hall Meeting at the AGU fall meeting 2018

Date: Thursday, 13 December 2018, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Location: Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel, 999 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001 Room: Grand Ballroom North

You are invited to attend and hear brief summaries on the program status and to participate in an open discussion of the LWS program.

Announcement - 2018-09-07

Community comments are solicited for Draft 2019 LWS-TR&T Research Topics

The LWS Program Analysis Group (LPAG) Executive Committee invites the Heliophysics community to provide comments on the Draft 2019 Focused Science Topics (FST). The deadline for entering new comments is October 19, 2018.


Announcement - 2018-06-01

2018 Community Input for LWS-TR&T Research Topics

The LWS Program Analysis Group (LPAG) invites the LWS community to provide input to the 2018 Focused Science Topics (FST) development process. The deadline for entering new input is July 02, 2018, while commenting remains open after the input deadline.


Announcement - 2017-10-23

LWS Program Analysis Group (LPAG)

The Living With a Star program in the NASA Heliophysics Division has released a Dear Colleague Letter to enlist members of the new Executive Committee of the LWS Program Analysis Group (LPAG). This letter can be found at the following link: DCL doc. The LPAG will replace the LWS Steering Committee and the description of this new group is available on the new LPAG page.

» DCL Document

» LPAG page