National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Living With A Star

Targeted Research and Technology

Ionospheric response to short term variations in the solar flux

ROSES ID: NRA-02-OSS-01      Selection Year: 2003      

Program Element: Independent Investigation: LWS

Principal Investigator: Richard Eastes

Affiliation(s): Florida Space Institute

Project Member(s):
Woods, Thomas N Collaborator University of Colorado, Boulder
Bailey, Scott Collaborator Geophysical Institute


The proposed comparison of the electron density data with solar soft x-ray fluxes will provide quantitative measures of the dependence of the electron density, TEC and hmF2 on the solar measurements for a variety of time scales. While the solar flux is responsible for the ionization rate, it is also responsible for changes in other parameters which affect the observed electron density data. More specifically, while the ion production rates, neutral densities and winds all depend on the solar fluxes, the neutral parameters and ion production have different time dependencies on the solar flux. Ions are produced by the current solar flux. In contrast, there is a time lag of ~ 1 day between changes in the solar fluxes and neutral densities at F region altitudes. Analysis of the time dependencies is needed for the future use of solar soft x-ray fluxes. This information is needed for incorporating short wavelength solar flux measurements, rather than F10.7, into model calculations.


Performance YearReferenceInvestigation TypeActions
1Eastes, Richard FL Space Institute - Ionospheric response to...
not set
1Eastes, R.; Bailey, S.; Bowman, B.; Marcos, F.; Wise...
not set
1Wang, X.; Eastes, R.; Weichecki Vergara, S.; Bailey,Â...
not set
1Wang, X.; Eastes, R.; Reinisch, B. W.; Bailey, S.; ...
not set
1Wang, X.; Eastes, R.; Weichecki Vergara, S.; Bailey,Â...
not set


Performance YearReferenceActions
1Wang, X.; Eastes, R.; Reinisch, B. W.; Bailey, S.; ...
1Wang, X.; Sun, Q.; Eastes, R.; Bailey, S.; Reinisch,...

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