National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Living With A Star

Targeted Research and Technology

Auroral Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Plasma Transport with Alfvén Kinetic Effects

ROSES ID: NNH06ZDA001N      Selection Year: 2007       Duration: 3 years

Program Element: Focused Science Topic

Principal Investigator: James Horwitz

Affiliation(s): The University of Texas at Arlington


The central objective of this proposed effort will be to understand the interplay of ion and electron and wave dynamics in the field-aligned plasma transport along auroral ionosphere-magnetosphere flux tubes.

We will combine analysis of particle, wave and field observations from aboard recent spacecraft sampling the auroral ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling regions, with the coupling of an ionospheric plasma transport model with kinetic effects and a code for simulating the propagation and effects of Alfv n waves on electron energization, to synergistically explore key aspects of the physics of the high-latitude ionosphere- magnetosphere region extending from the ionosphere to approximately 1 RE altitude. The data utilized will include observations from POLAR, FAST, DMSP and other relevant spacecraft. One important outcome expected from this investigation is the distillation of new useful formulas for the ionospheric plasma outflows as functions of the principal drivers of these outflows. These formulas will be designed for convenient use by global magnetospheric modelers. These and all other projects within this proposal fit under the LWS TR&T targeted objective, T3b: Ionosphere-Magnetosphere plasma redistribution.

The mysterious beauty of the aurora fires the imagination and awe of all who view it. This project is significant because it will determine the dynamic interaction between ionospheric plasma outflow and Alfv n wave driven auroral electron acceleration and the complex auroral region plasma processes from the collision-dominated ionospheric E- region to collisionless regions at very high altitudes.


Performance YearReferenceInvestigation TypeActions
1Zeng, W.; Horwitz, J. L.; (2007), Formula representation...
not set
1Su, Yi-Jiun; Ergun, R. E.; Jones, S. T.; Strangeway,...
not set
1Moore, T. E.; Horwitz, J. L.; (2007), Stellar ablation ...
not set


Performance YearReferenceActions
1Jaaffari, F. B.; Horwitz, J. L.; Zeng, W.; (2007), Mo...

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