National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Living With A Star

Targeted Research and Technology

An investigation of the highly structured topside ionosphere at mid- and low-latitudes and its dependence on magnetic storms as observed with the DEMETER and DMSP satellites

ROSES ID: NNH06ZDA001N      Selection Year: 2007      

Program Element: Focused Science Topic

Principal Investigator: Robert Pfaff

Affiliation(s): NASA/GSFC

Project Member(s):
Rich, Frederick J. Collaborator MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Heelis, Rod Collaborator University of Texas at Dallas
Greenwald, Raymond A. Collaborator null
Schunk, Robert Walter Collaborator Utah State University
berthelier, jean-jacques Collaborator cnrs
PARROT, Michel Collaborator LPCE


This investigation will explore the plasma structure and irregularities in the topside ionosphere (660-830 km altitude) at mid- and low-latitudes using data from the DEMETER and DMSP satellites. We will examine the ion drifts, plasma density and temperature, electric field and plasma density irregularities, and in some cases, the magnetic field irregularities that characterize the unstable, topside ionosphere. A chief goal of the investigation is to determine how this structure depends on magnetic storms and penetration electric fields. The mid-latitude irregularities are compared with those associated with equatorial spread-F as well as with the intense irregularities associated with the trough region that are observed at sub-auroral latitudes during geomagnetic storm periods. The observations will be related to theories of mid-latitude, topside plasma density structuring during magnetic storms. This research is highly germane to NASA's interest to understand the geospace environment and to space weather effects regarding disruption of communication and navigation signals in the near-space environment.


Performance YearReferenceInvestigation TypeActions
1Malingre, M.; Berthelier, J.-J.; Pfaff, R.; Jasperse,Â...
not set


Performance YearReferenceActions
1Pfaff, R. F.; Liebrecht, C.; Berthelier, J.; Parrot,Â...
1Michel, Malingre; Berthelier, Jean-Jacques; Jasperse, J...
1Berthelier, J.; Malingre, M.; Pfaff, R.; Jasperse, J....

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