The "Eddy Cross-Disciplinary Symposium on Sun-Climate Research"
ROSES ID: NNH09ZDA001N Selection Year: 2010
Program Element: Cross-Discipline Infrastructure Building Programs
Principal Investigator: Philip Judge
Affiliation(s): National Center for Atmospheric Research
In June 2009, the world lost a pioneer in sun-climate research,
Dr. Jack Eddy. We propose a workshop centered on the LWS Sun-climate
theme to celebrate the life, work, and cross-disciplinary approach of
this remarkable man. We ask for funding to help bring significant
numbers of students, from undergraduates to doctoral students,
together with acknowledged experts and interested researchers, with
several aims: We wish to stimulate talented students to enter the
climate and solar research areas; we wish to assess the subject area
some 34 years after Eddy's seminal paper on the "Maunder minimum", at
a period when the Sun's behavior is somewhat unusual and political
interest is intense; we want to highlight Jack's career as an
outstanding example of cross-discliplinary research; last, but not
least, we wish to celebrate the life of a remarkable man.
The meeting, if selected by NASA for support, will be scheduled sometime in 2010/2011 to optimize attendance by
students and the Eddy family.
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